الخرطوم ؛ صوت الهامش
أعلنت الحركة الشعبية استعدادها للتفاوض فورا علي القضية الإنسانية ولقاء الإدارة الأمريكية الجديدة ،مؤكدة انها لن تنخرط في اي تفاوض سياسي قبل إيصال المساعدات الإنسانية للمحتاجين . جاء ذلك في البيان الختامي لإجتماعات المجلس القيادي القومي للحركة الشعبية الذي عقد بجبال النوبة في الثالث من ابريل 2017 .
و بحسب البيان الذي تلقت “صوت الهامش” نسخة منه ، دعت الشعبية رئيس الألية الأفريقية رفيعة المستوي ثامبو امبيكي للتمسك بموقفه حول معبر اصوصا او اي بديل اخر، كما أعربت عن استعدادها للقاء الإدارة الأمريكية الجديدة في اي زمان ومكان للتباحث معها حول القضية الإنسانية لضمان توصيل المساعدات لكل اللذين يعانون من سؤ الاوضاع الإنسانية علي حد البيان .
هذا وطالبت الشعبية من امبيكي بزيارة المناطق المحررة لإجراء مشاورات مع المتضررين من الحرب والاستماع لمؤسسات الحركة الشعبية والجيش والمجتمع المدني مثلما يفعل في زياراته للخرطوم .
وفي سياق منفصل الغت المجلس القيادي للحركة الشعبية قرار مجلس تحرير جبال النوبة ، وبينت ان ليس من صلاحيات واختصاصات مجلس تحرير جبال النوبة مناقشة القضايا القومية ، بل يسمح لها فقط للدفع بتوصيات وملاحظاتها للأجهزة القومية .
وكان مجلس تحرير اقليم جبال النوبة التابع للحركة الشعبية أصدر قرارات قضت باعفاء الامين العام للحركة الشعبية ياسر عرمان من منصبه وسحب ملف التفاوض والعلاقات الخارجية بجانب التحالفات السياسية من اشرافه.
وتابع البيان “مجلس تحرير جبال النوبة احلق ضررا بليغا بسمعة الحركة الشعبية ووحدتها الداخلية عندما قامت بنشر قضايا الحركة الشعبية في وسائل الاعلام والتواصل الاجتماعي مما عرض الحركة لمخاطر سياسية وتنظيمية وعسكرية وامنية ،واعتبرت الخطوة بالخطأ وخرق واضح للمؤسسية وتحاسب عليه قوانين الحركة الشعبية .
واضافت الشعبية ان قضايا حق تقرير المصير والجيشين وغيرهما قضايا يجب مناقشتها بأستفاضة وجدية داخل اجهزة ومؤسسات الحزب للوصول الي رؤية موحدة حولها.
تعليق واحد
Is It Really The Down Fall Of Yasser & Malik Stage Has Started?! They Did Not Know That It Is Their Destiny! Did They?!
Proud Leaders for nothing have been easily hunted through that “Professional Set Scientific Democratic Political Trap in Kauda”; as from 6th to 25th March – 2017, to end the story on 30th March – 2017. What really the Nuba Mountains Liberation Council has intelligently and so diligently done, to let the fall down of the two top SPLM/A – controlling persons to fall apart politically as easy as that, to declare their dead lock destiny (Yasser & Malik??!
Honestly; all members and the genuine supporters of SPLM/A – N everywhere, be so vigilant and careful, because the Lt. Gen. Malik Agar and the Lt. Gen. Yasser Arman have decided to compensate their conviction of death penalty, which the Sudanese Judiciary Court had sentenced both of them of Treason Trial to death. The lesson was very open and clear from what the encouragement of Mr. Alsadig Almahdi to let him release the Islamist Terrorists Armed Forces (POWS), who were in human face kept in the SPLM/A – N controlled areas for free, in so humiliating way against all the SPLM/A – N still kept war prisoners, the detained civilians and the innocent suspected affiliates in Sudan. You see how they are, especially Yasser Saeed Arman Ishag, language is when he used to use the name of the late honorable Yousef Kuwa Makki, for his and their opportunism policies just to attract the audience in the two regions, that is the bad exploitation manner of him, them always. When the two likely to be exposed totally leaders are summoned to hear what was the deliberate meetings concluded grass roots representatives voice and to be handed over the resolutions are, they turned that in a mocking manner to use their usually failing dictatorship style trying to cheat, over use and chant on the masses all over the world by that so sluggish language politically. Be careful, because the masters of internal headed by the used tool man Lt. Gen. Malik Agar and his user in fact Lt. Gen. Yasser Arman are beginning to bargain selling out the Blue Nile Region to the government of Sudan, and presumably move ahead to follow their hidden investments activities through Sudan authorities support. Let all observe the scenario for longer time to come and look at things closely and very carefully. Yasser and Malik could destroy the Revolutionary Front, which they established it, through refusing to apply the democratic rotating administration (from France). Today they are deadly trying the impossibilities from Kauda by using the same terms of their own institutional concept interventions to destroy the unity and the reforming strategies here and within the SPLM/A – N, they are doing the same in a too late time and occasion in the Nuba Mountains Region/Southern Kordofan Region specifically, something which is too late and very, very far to understand why the Regions Revolution of the Liberation Council had succeeded to come up with for the first time since 2008 and as indicated by the tragedy event stating of 6th June – 2011. The designed and decided upon Road Map, by the RLC has no doubt been the future guide lines for the region mastered by the principal understanding of what should be done afterwards, no more things to reverse these facts at all, through using their two upgraded yes, yes cadre’s voices in their Face-Book pages and through other media lines (Ardul and Butheina, who are from the region and badly used to help in destroying the unity of their region and the members of SPLM/A – N at large). People, be united, reunite all he left out cadre more and more and let the real lost and lust of power adductors follow their own sick hearts and go their own ways of losing everything of democracy practices nature in their remained life, despite what meager things they have had done for the people all, let them talk their own cheating and misleading languages forever and ever.
The famous late Arabic romantic poetry writer, so talented in exposing his heartedly felt poems, as one’s interpretive quotes here, to have had said one day that “If I would know that the love is so danger, I wouldn’t have loved. If I would know that the Sea is so deep, I wouldn’t have sailed. If I would know my destiny, I wouldn’t have started”, just translation attempt of that more than brilliant and so romantic poem. It can be transformed to suit in different manner, the situation of the two top misleading figures, within SPLM/A – N system at all (Malik Agar Eer and Yasser Saeed Arman Ishag), while they were summoned to come and see the Nuba Mountains Region / Southern Kordofan Region’s Liberation Council Final Decisions, especially on the previous named figure as the General Secretary of the system, before 25th March – 2017, when Kauda had documented the final withdrawn entrusted roles to him. Politically hunted, bur how the reaction is so petty, long boring, stealing the achievements of the Region’s 107 Liberation Council Members in badly confusing manner like that?! Because the Love of Kauda is so dangerous and risky, because the Ocean in Kauda is so deep and with foggy weather for those who don’t know how to sail on it, because the destiny from Kauda is well known to whom in a shallow brain would optionally like with his own consent to end his political career. The story is talking about the fall down of the elephant and the second dictator of adoring to rule others with his only begotten friend (Malik and Yasser) finally to start their adventurous gloom.
That is not the way of addressing the deepened crisis in clear face of stealing others exerted efforts of hard work when they have magically opened up new fresh political area to smell it, new dynamic and nourishing phase of successful starting up events. Not from anywhere else, but from this symbolic region of the historic Nuba Mountains Region freedom struggle against; lies, injustice, un-equality, racisms, modalities of divide and rule practices and for redeeming the mankind from the snares of all sorts of the previous, current and the upcoming dictators systems. That long statement with its vague and awkward language of Yasser Saeed Arman Style, is what people have had hated it for long time ago, which some ideologies conceivers call it politically as demagogue’s language.
The story could only reveal the reality of the shocks which have had stricken the hearts, the minds and the trembling spirit of the two fearing to lose their positions two persons and their other yes, men and women equally, if not equivocally. May be in the nearby future or something alike, it is not yet certain despite those final indications of collapse of the giants from the tower of wandering about. Why all these nicely, but so weak in terms of the language structure re-written in many cases points, as they had been scored by the Liberation Council exhausted days of sincere design of the two regions’ future as the first priority added to others in queue of problems storming??! I think that the negotiating partner; the government of Sudan, unless it declines it, has stated it clearly that since the situation hasn’t been clear by that emerged differences within SPLM/A – N they will not go for any peace negotiations. Again, the statement of the Region’s Liberation Council Deputy Chair Lady has pointed out clearly that if any negotiations are to be there the Nuba Mountains Region / Southern Kordofan Region, will not be part of that agreement. She so strongly had sticked unto the position of the RLC which means that no any changes or decline of the resolutions and the decisions of the council and anything that would come out in the absence of the Lt. Gen. Abdul Aziz Adam Alhillo will not be considered. Very clear statement, then why all that cover up and cheating dilemma to confuse the ears and the minds of the entire Region’s supporting members of SPLM/A – around the globe and internally??! From this point it is understood that the game is over and better for the diligent politicians of they can understand how to play the games of politics to go far and long for another maneuverings spaces to dig the ground of solutions rather than cooking for more cover up cheatings like this very well understood one. Malik and Yasser, better look for a different stories telling, because simply, the game of 6th June – 2011 which was scored big failure, under the supervision of the central Khartoum government, to dig the grave for this region fighters and the people in general and in particular mastered minding act, will not be repeated again for your lessons learning criteria. Enough is enough for those, whom you are playing with their names, reputations, resources, misusing their gifted hearts and mighty power for the people in these two regions and in the whole country at large, so please take it as granted; it is over, don’t you read the hearts, minds and the total being of the Nuba Mountains Region / Southern Kordofan Regions citizens all over the world and domestically, through their legitimate representatives at all from that strongly made safer heaven decisions??! Go, look for that book and try to harmonically read it and understand the puzzling words, so nice poems of the heartedly and mindfully written symphony poem of the Late Nazar Gabbani and what nice sounding and musical voice that the late first Arabic adored singer Abdulhaleem Hafiz had a song on it.