Last report of amnesty international written by Muthoni Wanyeki in the East African weekly newspaper , mentioned thousands of South Sudanese , some of who were forced to eat human flesh or disembowel corpses , are suffering mental illness , amnesty international says in anew report .
Describing South Sudan as “traumatised nation”Amnesty found mental disorders to be widespread in interviews it conducted with 161 victims and witnesses of atrocities .
One such survivor , identified as Philip , said he hid under a pile of dead bodies during a massacre carried out by government forces in the capital Juba in December 2013 .
When soldiers discovered him , they tied my arms behind my back and forced at me gunpoint to drink blood and eat “flesh” of those killed Philip recounted .
This simple part of report of amnesty international (organization of human rights) monitors situations all over the world , during the wars or peace , this report points at the atrocities and inhuman behaviour in South Sudan , when the war erupted before two years ago , also the report discovered the human situation on the ground , when rival factions accused each other of committing ethnicity genocide among Dinka and Nuer , those injuries needs long time to recover , now the ethnicity tension will increase the political division on base of tribalism , every one may think , could do justice by own self , here is risky on the ground .How ever after signing peace agreement August 2015 and forming of transitional government April 2016 , Former leader rebel , became deputy of President , political situations has not changed yet , there are doubts between all factions whom share the government in South Sudan , I think , organization of East African community , new nation is a new member , but where are roles of these states ? Where are theirs pressures ? Where are their ethical responsibilities towards nation of South Sudan ? , All states of East African have responsibilities of these suffering people , because when the fighting is beginning in this new state , they should bear thousands of refugees influx , the best proposal to stand against the new state directs the wrong direction .
What did the rival factions do about national reconciliations between them , when the audience sees president Silva kiir and Deputy Rieck Machar on media conference ,it looks , their faces unhappy ,looks both of them compelled to sign peace of August , ground of confidence is lost , every side looks at other side is recent enemy , try to eliminate it , before forming transitional government should discuss social peace among in the Southern community , it considers an important step for eternal settlement , they failed to do that ,the government has main power (ruling party) , its task to find fast medicine post war .
Other groups in South Sudan accuse ruling party and splmio are causes of this escalation , they have clear idea of implementation the peace , failure of discussion of security files , how integrate forces of Sudan People liberation in oppositions in National army of South ? , this is necessary point to implement other issues , the international friends their roles were absent , just condemnation , this period needs true pressures on both them , to see , suffering of innocent people , whom call for peace and return back their homes , they are tired of wars , internal displaced , shortage of food , medicine and no opportunities for education for small children .
Escalation of violence this July , drew and picture about future in the youngest state , it has given misty situation , peace needs real willing to complete , brave willing , political tactics haven’t benefits on simple citizens , I think , president and deputy are crucial period to stand together , getting rid of violence voices , try to break wall of non confidence ,what wait them is bigger .
How they find medicine , for wounds of war , decreasing weather of inciting on tribalism , it is obstacle on way of national reconciliation in South Sudan .All South Sudanese are waiting brave leaders end this trauma of independence , many couldn’t understand, people of South had stood during fighting Khartoum together , although, there were divisions , but were less , not affected on trip of African national struggle , when they took the independence , before they enjoy ,the ghost of division appeared among them , here is decisive point , why African peoples believe only Savior leader ? For example , Charismatic leader John Garrang united Southerns to go forward , till end of station , after the sudden death of it , African people should never the future on one leader , although any change Charismatic leader , behind him should be successor Charismatic too , when the absence floats , other will take the place, this absence of Charismatic Garrang discovers , our politics in this continent depends only mentality of herds , not creative mentality for politics .
Who committed crimes against humanity , crimes war , they should confess , leaders should request from their people before face the justice , crimes against humanity never drop for ever . Iam so sad about what taking place in South Sudan, I had celebrated , when I listened to National anthem of new nation in July 2011 , I appreciated their fighting for freedom of identity and religion ,justice and real democracy for them , I implore all South Sudanese to look back at their past of trip of this independence , what have they done ? What have they lost ?
During that long time of suffering , you had suffered more , you had pained more , cried more , died more on ground of your freedom ? Why now you are stabbing each other ? , People of South Sudan don’t need blood shed again .
Journalist and Activis