A lawyer, Willie Kimani, his client , and their taxi driver who were killed on June 23 were hunt with blunt objects and strangulated , a pathologist has said (Daily Nation July 6 , 2016 ) .
According to a postmortem report by chief Government pathologist Johansen Oduor , the three were hit with blunt objects and strangulated.
And then prof Yash Pal Ghai has said on opinion article at the same newspaper daily nation , attempts to implement reforms in the administration and behaviour of the police are derided by Nkaissery , who shows scant respect for the Constitution , while Boinnent has failed to assert his constitutional role as the head of a critical , independent service and seems to acquiesce in instructions from the executive , Boinnent should resign now .
It seems to me , this killing of lawyer Willie Kimani , his client , taxi driver , was a surprise , really surprise , because , Ihave abelief , kenya could take leadership of democracy in Eastern African Community , who looks at kenya during few recent years , can notice , Kenyan community has respectful step towards the Democratic change in this region of East Africa , still has authoritarian governments , from Uganda , Tanzania controlled by one ruling party since independence , Pierre Nkurunziza leads his country Burundi to Brink of next civil war since last year , then Rwanda Paul kagami has plans for future to extend his continuity of ruling of Rwanda , but this time , he is standing behind the mirror of Constitution change , to give image to the World , Rwandan people want him to stay in power , when we see the youngest country in the World South Sudan , we should comment , it had failed to come true of new Sudan program which create by the former leader of South Sudan John Garrang.
Otherwise , Kenya may be different from other countries under umbrella of East African countries, the Kenyan people had learnt lesson of 2007 and post elections , the Kenyan community realized the violence will never bring political reforms or change , so that they accepted game of democracy to solve any setbacks for contemporary future of this country , and also definitely , kenya has no rebellion , also some countries haven’t rebels against the governments , but kenya has progress of democracy , human organization , judiciary semi independent , so the Kenyan community could fulfill, dream of African democracy , some Kenyan are saying , they need perfect complete freedoms , they this current democracy is still limit , I think , they are right , especially in African continent , majority of its governments never respect this game , fearfully to threat their current interests ..
Last report about killing of lawyer Willie Kimani , his client , taxi driver , made sure ,the threes were tortured very hard , after that killed, nearly Kenyan on door of next elections , the killing of lawyer, will increase pressure on the government , until now matter of Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission has not solved , if the commissioners will go home and appoint new commissioners for IEBC , it has accused of bias and insufficient too, this impasse led oppostion party cord demonstrates against the commission of IEBC few months ago , the political tension was taken people to period of 2007 and 2008 .
Killing of lawyer has brought international condemnation and regional from organizations of human rights , activists and lawyers , this killing considers extra judicial killing (killing out of law ) , the defendant will never find right of defence , but lawyer Willie Kimani was dependent absolutely , he was defending about his client who claimed some of police blackmail his client .
Something like this took place in Kenya is shame and violation of Kenyan Constitution which provides rights of human rights, if this happened in Eritrea , we can believe it , so prof Yash Pal Ghai in his article (police killing) asked inspector General of police Joseph Boinnent to resign now . Because killing might use as mechanism of threat , if there are few officers or individuals of cabinet of police distort job of the police in Kenya , the judiciary should continue and sentence the killers , if they are police officers who implicated in this hideous incident last June , the extra judicial killing should stop now , kenya needs more reconciliation in politics and society, I believe , Kenyan community will leadership of democracy in East African Community, this is not illusion or nightmare , who notice the political mobilisation in the region , will realize , Iam not living in chains of illusion democracy in African , I will quote say , not for me , the human was born free , now under the chains , I might say , there is always light , at the end of tunnel in Africa , I say to family of Lawyer and his client ,taxi driver , your son has paid tax of democracy and freedom before , they see those seeds , will appear soon
Journalist and Activist