الخرطوم : صوت الهامش
طالبت قوي نداء السودان بعقد اجتماع فوري مع رئيس الألية الأفريقية ثامبو امبيكي لمناقشة سبل المضي قدما في العملية السلمية .
وقالت نداء السودان ، ان امبيكي زار الخرطوم مرتين وعقد اجتماعات مع الحكومة السودانية فمن العدل ان يجتمع مع قوي نداء السودان قبل ان يقدم تنويره حول العملية السلمية للاتحاد الأفريقي ومجلس الأمن الدولي.
وكان مسؤل مكتب الاتصال للاتحاد الافريقي بالخرطوم السفير محمود كان قال في تصريح ل”صوت الهامش” ان فريق الوساطة سوف يعقد جلسة مشاورات مع الحركة الشعبية في 24 ابريل الحالي ، تعقبه جلسة اخري تجمع قوي نداء السودان مع اللجنة التنسيقية العليا للحوار الوطني في أديس أبابا لمناقشة القضايا العالقة .
وفي خطاب تلقي “صوت الهامش” نسخة منه جددت قوي نداء السودان التزامها بخارطة الطريق التي تم التوقيع عليها في 8 من اغسطس من العام 2016 بأديس ابابا التي شملت علي انهاء الصراع الدائر والأنخراط في حوار وطني شامل لمجابهة المشاكل التي تواجه البلاد.
وتابع الخطاب “قوي نداء السودان كانت مستعدة لتنفيذ خارطة الطريق بحسن نية ، وترقب فقط بالمشاركة في عملية صنع الدستور اذا توصلت الي اتفاق مرضي مع الحكومة السودانية بشأن كيفية انهاء الحرب وتقديم الإغاثة للمتضررين من الحرب واجراء حوار حقيقي وشامل وخلق بيئة مواتية واتاحة الحريات “
وأضاف الخطاب ان بالرغم من ذلك اختتمت الحكومة حوارها الوطني في الأول من اكتوبر 2016 ، دون تهيئة بيئة ملائمة للحوار وما زالت تواصل بإرتكاب فظائع ضد المدنيين في مناطق النزاع ، وتقيد الحريات وانتهاك حقوق الإنسان .
كاشفا ان قوي نداء السودان جاهزة لمناقشة كل تلك الإشكاليات مع امبيكي ، في اقرب فرصة ممكنة لضمان سير العملية السلمية بالبلاد.
يشار الي أطراف من قوي نداء السودان تمثلت في حزب الأمة والحركة الشعبية شمال بالإضافة إلى حركتى العدل والمساواة وتحرير السودان قيادة “مناوي” ، على خارطة الطريق فى أغسطس من العام الماضي بعد توقيع الحكومة السودانية عليها في مارس من نفس العام .
تعليق واحد
Every Day to Pass Is Every Lesson to Learn and Reflect It; Friendship on Expense of People’s Interests Is a Suspected Friendship At All: (Two Plus Two What Is It?).
Mr. Tambo Mbeki, Mr. Alsading Almahdi, Mr. Yasser Arman and Mr. Malik Agar; What Friendship Relations Are There In Between, And Is It Not Our Right To Questioning?! Although, the game seems to have been discovered in that sense, still things come every day with astonishing exclaims, without direct answers from the causers of such astonishments’ echoes, based on the level of the created chaotic environment by the defeated and from them to the public. In usual cases, anywhere in the world “Using Fire Extinguishers” at the points where they are set and kept closed to meet such danger situations, which might be caused by the trigger of cigarettes smoking around to potentially double inflation hazards all over the residential areas/zone. Then the state of alert is the highest point of readiness to face any kind of exposable danger, it has to be declared, initially by the residents around the target zone/areas, being the triggered fire on fueling locations either. Who are there then supposed to be more suitable to set proper precautions’ measures, so as to avoid the predicted inflammation on triggers positions, as early warning system offered to the residents of the target zone / the two Regions??! Now the movements of such mind cigarettes’ smoking, as politics games playing are on the explosive head edge of the match, to spoil the peaceful reach-out and the unique approaches of getting their rights. Now the Achievements of March – April – 2017 objectives are at great risk in the two Regions, because of the coalition of the; “Four Suspected Related Friends politically”; through what was known as the awkward AUHIP Mediated Sudan Peace Talks”. The described human smoke of disaster is absolutely smelt from far, felt from its source coming out poisonously, spiritually it can’t be identified., for these cigarettes smoking is so thickly, may be at its disaster level, it more than what the detective human life protectors call it “Marijuana Cigarettes”. The lengths may consume a lot of the spill able smokes, then what kind of potential cancer that can be swallowed as products of that nicely tested cigarettes triggers; the question of no answer specifically?
So, if it is the outcome, then who is the backing feeder on behind, who is totally hidden from the eyes and who remained out of the mangling scene?! Sure it is a well know but preferred to remained as a concealed body, standing by to jump over, positioned at the corner as a watching dog for his own hunt, simply that is the cross juncture for the hunting waiter; the (National Congress Party in Khartoum), but the smoke wouldn’t start its puff and dash actions, up to this moment. Still this notorious regime is in its top dreams and hopes to wash out everything on its favor finally, without putting into its considerations what does it mean politics in reality, but for it, what does it mean its ideology to all to admit it in the first place at large. Of course the cornerstone for its hopes and achievable in its mind’s dreams is the AU Headquarter, where its dynamic bilateral relations aliened recruits are there to foster such backings, regardless of anything else. Probably, it has happened when Khartoum monsters have let off their steam to mock at the whole smoke triggers over the faces of the victims. Yes, “Kauda and Yabouss Readiness”, you have to set off the serene, to out-voice the expected danger and its impact on the whole zone to warn everybody expectedly. The professional mechanisms which are quite prepared there and here are to start putting off the smokes flames and bring down to the last point; the wings of disastrous causing situations and persons, very peacefully, because it has been done very well during the few weeks back. Keep well the positioned “Fire Extinguishers” on the spots, watch keenly and tirelessly. In the same time many questions should be repulsed back to the causers of these smokes which are triggering fire flames on the way as they wished to come on the bodies of the victimized citizens, specifically in these two wars torn zone/regions. It is because all that resounding resignation of the Deputy Chairman intending to be out of the “Tripartite Leadership League” and what the reactions of the Two Regions Liberation Councils were?” Or because the named two separate but unique purposely meetings deliberations, decisions and the globally supported anthems, from all over the universe as that could match the two events and the impact as it has been the ever huge shocking mattered to mention here on the “Two Leading Figures in SPLM/A – N?” Is it because there might be such Huge Cake To Be Missed Either, by the “Four Linked Friends”, apart from what could be accepted all from what equitable and just peace can and should be meant by these two regions and similar devastated region’s case?!
1. Mr. Tambo Mbeki, would highly appreciate the roles played by Mr. Alsadig Almahdi, as the former Sudan Prime Minister for three elections rotations’ times despites that his gross failure and as the main cause of triggering wars in the two in war situations regions, was very prominent. Mr. Mbeki, having in his mind failing for around (15) rounds of the negotiated peace talks called Sudan Peace Talks, gave him a big shock as not a strong character, perhaps not quire conceiving similarity of peace mediators’ personnel and team work globally. His reputation as the former President of the Greatest Country in the Continent has put him in a question of his resounding neutrality, trying to regain it, although the people of the Republic of South Africa, or say the people’s authority could force him to resign as the successor of the World Hero Figure “Mandela”. When he feels that the triggered smoke is so darkened with the intoxicating puff, then most probably Mr. Tambo Mbeki will throw the ball to his semi-traditional friend (NCP – Sudan) well situated goal and it will be the end of it. And prior to that all the enlisted to solve their problems within that concept would say that: Mr. Tambo Mbeki, if you are going to solve the problems of these two areas alone, then we will remain without, because we don’t have power to solve our problems alone. From this very different, but somehow shared problems un-equally, the two areas will be hanged as pending case. And when the new turn of NCP – UMMA and other parties come, then they will make a new call with new mediator to solve another so very long future time to look at all the pending matters for these over exploited citizens for decades of a century of time to come. Why just us to be the boiled fueling for others as cheap as that.
2. Mr. Alsading Almahdi, respectively, would see that still his two year times abroad mission did not finish, although he could persuade the two most important figures within the fighting elements (Mr. Yasser Saeed Arman and Mr. Malik Agar Eer. Being able to recruit both of them and the associate subordinates on his side does not mean that he could be satisfied and declare his mission was 90% successful, so linking these friends in such Peace Talks Names will remain the target and the goal. Being secured to play such looked at by the initial engineers as the noble goal, he could play double standard roles, but major, to please the regime (NCP) ruling party and who or which groups ever would believe in his steps and seriously his other three friends. The dream is to get something of the past brighter history as the grandson of the Revolt Mohammed Ahmed AlMahdi and the head of Umma Party, one day the highest popularity among all the Sudanese political party before 1989.
3. Mr. Yasser Saeed Arman, intern has nothing to lose, since he lost one of the ever brightest period of shining politically, during 2005 – 2008, when he had conceded the Presidential Elections to compete who is called the Field Marshal; President Omer Hassan Ahmed Al Basher, although the political games and the situation of county at those days could reflect the impossibilities of winning it against his counterpart. First class dictator, he could introduce the culture of favoritism, nepotism and division to the governing system, yet, and has being backed by so many elements. At the meantime, he could be fast to farther play so different games within the context of the current halted negotiated peace talks and since the zero starting moment. Tricky enough the ambitions of this character are so high and broad, despites that what some scholars are describing him as quite simple man, with low political career as qualifications and without much experienced leading roles as locally, regionally and may be internationally as his backed profile to go for true success gains. Added to his roles in dividing and ruling the system; SPLM/A – N, seemingly as proven highly to be one man show, what the resignation letter of his defected colleagues showed a great deal of that. Not forgetting his previous lack of good governance and smooth management capabilities person/administrator within SPLM/A –N system, in the pre-independence and post independence periods. Always he prefers to select the weak personalities to obey him, apply his directives without pinch of changes or constructive criticisms.
4. Malik Agar Eer, who looks likely to be a so calm angel; he is another quality of practicing dictatorship style of the kind, to mention him as such and in this way at all, always proud of himself in just leading others, never believes in mutual understanding things, like wise he does not seem to believe in democracy. Of course as one day the third figure in the mother SPLM/A, after the death of the late Hero, Dr. John Garag de Mabior had elevated him much and gave him an impression that no one in SPLM/A – N could dare to hand-over the top leadership from him. Continuing to be the Blue Nile Region’s Governor and the SPLM/A – N Chairman would not give him chance to think less of to believe in rotating the position at all. September 2011 was an earlier battle shock to him personally, due to listening to his own motions and judgments at most. August 2011 Dr. Nafie and Malik agreement which was torn and thrown away in-front of the Mosque attendant, by the President Albasher himself, in so stupid and proud manner, but it was also in so lucky attitude for the people of the two war regions. That dead agreement gave Mr. Malik Agar a sigh that he can be something else, relying on Khartoum promises in silence. He then took his friend and colleague in the struggle, when to them the struggle was meaning full and trustworthy to talk about, he took him as the closed obedient friends to each other, not really to achieve the dreams and the aspirations of the people of the two regions and even to the other Sudanese voices in similar cases of concern all together. So throughout all the seen as positive and negative alien meetings Mr. Alsdig Almahdi, regardless was a dean hope for both of them; Yasser and Malik. The four friends here are seen to the majority of these regions and the way leading to their sure disastrous future, in case they insist to look for their sole reputations and just lead things as they ways they liked them and regardless of what the clear determined more than suffering voices of the two regions people are.
5. Will it then be legitimate to ask direct hanging up question to the public audience and the interested observers; as which powers, nations are encouraging these four friends plus, locally, regionally and internationally?! What then if being institutions, groups of lobbying influential character, or even countries, are those who moved openly to backing these individuals so as to continue causing sustainable headaches to the people of these two regions at all in particular??! Political and diplomatically contradictory positions, while the world is out-crying for fair institutionalized decisions on one hand and on the other hand some within the same double standards’ forums, are highly encouraging all forms/aspects of the individualized decisions making against the will of the vast democratized decisions. Where are we then, from these entire dilemma arenas??! Better not to wait, but every institution which represents the grass roots sole interests must be alert to defend all their rights till the last point of the victorious declarations announcements.