– مقال رقم (١)
أن كان بالامكان الرجوع بالزمن الي الوراء الاسبوع الماضي وجر عقارب الساعة عكس الاتجاه، بلاشك أن عددا كبيرا من الرفاق سيكونون أول من يديرون زمبرك الساعة مرات عديدة حتي لا يشهدون او يسمعون خبر أغتيال الرفيق للشهيد البطل علي بندر السيسي موخرا، بل ان بعض منهم الان يعضون بنان الندم لعدم قدرتهم علي اثناءه عن الذهاب الي المناطق المحررة. فبعد وصوله الي الاقليم تمكنت المحكمة المشكلة بالحكم عليه بعشر سنوات سجن وتم ايداعة في اقبية ودهاليز وسراديب رئاسة الحركة الشعبية، والتي اصبحت فيما بعد مغصلة لعنقه.
سجن بندر السيسي تم بعد مؤامرة كبيرة حبكت بامتياز من الانتهازيين حول مالك عقار والتي لم يراعي فيها اي من ابجديات التحقيق، وشارك فيها الانتهازيين حول رئيس الحركة الشعبية الذين ظلوا يضللونه بمعلومات وتقارير ملفقة ، لجنة التحقيق التي شكلت لعلي بندر والتي تراسها المدعو مامون حماد، فالانتهازي المدعو مامون حماد امثاله كثر حول مالك عقار، من من يديرون المكائد ويخططون وينفذون المؤامرات بحق الرفاق دون أدني وازع ضمير وزرة أخلاق. أمثال هولاء بلا شك لهم ادوار قذرة أفضت الي مثل هذة الافعال الشريرة والخبيثة بما فيها الاشتباكات المؤسفة التي حدثت بين الرفاق واخذت طابع الاثنية القبيح، وهي جرائم وافعال لا تمت للمشروع والحركة الشعبية ومبادئها بصلة بتاتا بل هي نتاج نسيج نفوسهم المريضة.
لكن من هو علي بندر السيسي؟!. حتي تحاك حوله هذة المؤمرات ويلقي مصرعة علي ايدي رفاقة بهذة الصورة البشعة. بندر السيسي هو رفيق بمعني الكلمة، واحد من القادة المميزين بالجيش الشعبي، وتقلد مناصب كثيرة واحيل الي المعاش برتبة عميد ضمن الضباط السبعة المعاشين، واطلق بعد قرار الاحالة الي المعاش مبادرة الاصلاح المؤسسي والتنظيمي مع بقية رفاقه، وانضم الي الحركة الشعبية مع عدد كبير من ضباط وضباط صف وجنود من مختلف الاثنيات بالنيل الازؤق. هو احد زعماء قبيلة البرون بالنيل الازرق وعمل ايضا في الجبهة الاولي بجبال النوبة.
الروايات التي تحكي عن اغتيال بندر السيسي ثلاث روايات، الاولي انه استشهد اثناء تحرير رئاسة الجيش الشعبي من براثن المجموعة الاثنية، والرواية الثانية ان أحد قادة المجموعة الاثنية قد قام بتصفيته مقيدا داخل السجن قبل اقتحام رئاسة الرئيس، والرواية الاخيرة تقول ان بندر اغتيل غدرا من نفس الشخص بعد فصل يدية ورجلية وراسه عن جسده، وطعن عدة طعنات قبل ان يتم تعذيبه وضربة بالعصا وهي الرواية الارجح حتي الان.
في كل الروايات الثلاث اعلاه ، فان بندر السيسي قتل غدرا بصورة بشعة وانه كان هدف محددا ومرصودا، والذي هدف قتل بندر كان يعرف ان بندر يمثله له خطرا حقيقيا من حيث وزنه السياسي بالاقليم، وما عرف عنه من حنكة سياسية والقدرة علي الاقناع والقيادة والثاتير، حتي انه كان مرشحا ليخلف مالك عقار في رئاسة الحركة الشعبية بالنيل الازرق.
اذا فالهدف من اغتيال بندر كان معروفا وواضحا بلا لبس في الاغتيال والتصفية الجسدية، وهذا يجعل من المهم جدا معرفة الدافع من وراء القتل ومن هم الاشخاص الجناة الذين أتفقوا وخططوا ونفذوا جريمة اغتيال بندر السيسي، وايضا من حق زوي المقتول وأهل الدم البحث عن حقيقية الاغتيال والرواية الصحيحة وراء الاغتيال لابنهم والمطالبة بالقصاص، والتقاضي في كل مراحلة وفقا لقوانيين السودان الجديد المعمول بها في المناطق المحررة بالسودان الجديد.
جريمة اغتيال بندر السيسي جريمة شنيعة ونكراء ولا تشبه الحركة الشعبية ومبادئها ولا تمت اليها باي صلة أو اتجاة، وتقع مسئولية التحقيق ومعرفة ملابسات الاغتيال وتقديم الجناة الي العدالة فورا مسؤلية الحركة الشعبية وقيادة الجيش الشعبي مباشرة، بما في ذلك الاجهزة العدلية والشرطية والقضاء العسكري، وان تم ذلك او لم يتم فان السؤال الذي سيظل قائما وحائر هو: من الذي قتل الرفيق الشهيد البطل علي بندر السيسي؟!.
اواصل ..
مقدم يونس الاحيمر
مدير مكتب رئيس الحركة الشعبية سابقا.
تعليق واحد
Very sad to hear and read about this, because one knows this hero since he was in Khartoum State, prior to joining SPLM/A, with good number of freedom fighters as well. Let all think positively to delete the wrong man in leading the political system in the region and the whole SPKM/A – N, first and go back to reunite the people to continue their mission of struggle indeed. Here take this contribution one has given it to the Nuba Times Website for publishing it also:
It is Real Turmoil Situation in the Blue Nile Region, but It Is Also Other Way to Correct the Wrong Leadership Acts, Logic Says Hopes Are Always There:
1. Some Contextual Reasons to Back Why Recovery and Corrections Are Needed:
Voice of people, concerns of the people, and aspirations of the people are not just things to be taken as consumptions goods, which the house hold decides alone to chose and priorities, how he distributes them to his family members as he wishes that to be done. It is the same matter with crisis management efficiency, when personal attitudes governs the mind of any leader without thinking that these matters are not his own family matters, but they basically the concerns of millions of that nation’s people, then thing look so different here to look at as conspiracy acts accusations, by such kind of short-sighted or conflict interests minded leadership’s character. What the two competing groups, in the Blue Nile Region facing during the previous weeks, time to reach into the point of Violent Confrontations, has been the result of highly adopted extreme methods of practicing dictatorship style and hiding what extended types of corrupt system of ruling that one, when discovered the leader will oversee his down-fall reality to come true. It is unfortunately, the wrongly equipped and brain washed leadership mind with that quality of another kind of oppressing people by mainly one man not to express their grievances, not to tend to make, or to attempt any kind of democratic consultations means for changes and improvement. So, the choice of leading people harmonically and peacefully means being accepted and honored by same people whom they said to in continual position of being under such wrong leader to govern them, either in such a way that comes as transitional automatic military system of hierarchy style requirements or in the case of being blessed by his own people to be their everlasting/life leadership character. But in both cases of the Blue Nile Region and the Nuba Mountains Region, no any kind of that Kingship Adopted system, apart from the Natives Customary Laws which allows limited Tribe’s Man to be either their Spiritual Leader of as Sample of immune Sultanate, but not with absolute governing the people affairs in that kind of dictatorship, other than on consultation caring manner as Stewardship Model.
So, Lt. Gen. Malik Agar Eer had understood it wrong, in most serious practices as the claims which were frankly heard even immediately after the start of implementing CPA on the Two Areas Protocols came into being, that kind of the inflicted Tribalism Preferences Quality of Administration was them from June 2005, as not at all hidden realities from any diligent observer at all, since then. But here he added his wrong concept of practicing ruling the people, by supporting the most wrong man, (Lt. Gen. Yasser Saeed Arman); who has been using the resources of the people in the name of the people, for his own exploited politically understanding of managing others in need resources. Some of these resources were given to him for the purposes of serving the direly needy people in the two areas of violent conflicts and by their own sons in the Diaspora, without necessarily mentioning here, from where those resources were given to him and for that specific goal. But it turned to be later on his own decisions where to direct these resources and how he planned to overturn the purpose to other 100% opposite objectives of his own in the end. Protection of corruptions acts and rejecting the steps of starting to correct that drastically has been the reason of the bloody reaction, which was mainly manipulated in such open air manner by these two wrongly sized leadership, within the SPLM/A – N bad governing characters, being somehow supported by another hidden influential elements as well, added to using same people resources against them entirely.
No Way Other Than Reforms Strict Activation, Reconciliation and Re-Uniting The One People, Away From the Wrong Leadership Control, Never, Ever.
The serious loss, bleeding and that kinds of tribalism manipulations in between the causers of the tragedy turmoil waves of killing innocent people based on their tribal background is a so strange habit to occur for the first time in that virgin Region (the Blue Nile Region). Likewise, not single wise created human being can accept this kind of the violent conflict continuity from any of the competing side and all stages of the struggle of one people on their mission to achieve the objectives and he set goal on which the armed struggle was mainly started since, early 1984 and onward there and in the Nuba Mountains Region too. Lust of power gripping has been clearly the main cause of that last two weeks time tensions and violent conflicts out break and when the two taken actions against them leadership, started their direct challenging of what the people’s representatives decisions were, not because of anything thing else. Simply, because they were there since June – 2005 and up to the time of March/April/2017 of the Two Regions Liberation Councils Decisions were out and they didn’t do anything according to what were mentioned before that actions taking times, just to react more wrongly afterwards to cause this partial bleeding and created differences scenarios based on tribal splitting and divisions for continuing to rule on that nasty applied bases.
Still the time is not gone and it is also the high time to speed up holding the National Convention, Setting the Proper Mechanisms from Reconciliations and Re-uniting People in the Two Regions, and most specifically to pay special directives to manage reuniting all in the Bleeding Region as first priority of the National Convention at all, together with what they have done it, if so to compile the selections of the Coming Delegation for the Negotiated Peace Track, as the Two Areas Liberation Councils have practically taken the correct follow up steps to inform the AUHIP, Troika Countries, the UN, AU and all other involved stakeholders to know and admit what correct steps those were taken to withdraw and shift the Negotiations File of the Two Regions from the proven to be the wrong handling character, the former (General Secretary of SPLM/A – N); Mr. Yasser Saeed Arman Ishag. Equally quick setting of the Relief, Rehabilitation and the Development Mechanisms all through the standardized core points of answering the grievances of the people in term of the all kinds of the Humanitarians Interventions and the deeply concerned medications for all the target groups there. Keeping what has widely started to be known by everybody as their panic behavior of losing these taken by them as the inherited positions is another crisis which can easily be ended, when things will and hoped to be successfully handed during, immediately after and on the post period, decade of the Expected as soon as Possible National Convention, as much as the conducive environment is realized as pretty minimum, but not restricted timing actions. (It is Real Turmoil Situation in the Blue Nile Region, but it is Also Other Way to Correct the Wrong Leadership Acts, Logic Says Hopes are always there).
1. We have to believe that things will only improve when the real actions of improvements are put in place, despite the huge challenges all are facing now-a-day.
2. Unity of the people in these regions is the core value number (1) and that it starts with reinstating all, the previous removed cadre, in both sides the military and the civilians’ side, through how to approach them and let them back to the struggle streamline.
3. Not to force people to do what they don’t like as a matter of fact, but the spirit of constructive dialogue is how best to start building the healthy nation is.
4. Lt. Gen. Malik Agar and Lt. Gen. Yasser Arman have to accept the reality and keep away from cooking the worse for their own history, not against the will of people any more, that are the fortunes of the history of believing in the philosophy of people as the sources of any change (Positive Change).