بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
عبدالغني بريش فيوف
عندما توفي محمد (ص) عليه وسلم يوم الاثنين ربيع الأول سنة 11 هـ، الموافق 8 يونيو سنة 632م. فرح الأعراب فرحا عظيما بموته ، وتمردوا على الدين الذي أتى به محمد. وعندما علم سيدنا أبي بكر الصديق بهذا التمرد ، خرج وخطب بالنّاس قائلاً (من كان يعبد محمدًا.. فإنّ محمدًا قد مات.. ومن كان يعبد الله فإن الله حيّ لا يموت)..
بمقولة سيدنا أبوبكر الصديق هذه ، نبدأ مقالنا بالقول : من كان يبحث عن وظيفة أو منصب في نظام الإبادة الجماعية والتطهير العرقي ، فالطريق ممهد ومفتوح إلى الخرطوم ..أما من كان يحمل “القضية” التي حملتها الحركة الشعبية ودفعت من أجلها الثمن غالياً ، فإن هذه القضية حية لم تمت ..إنها قضيةشعب يحق له ان يعيش بحرية في وطنه مثل باقي شعوب العالم ، انه شعب يناضل من أجل حريته المسلوبة ويسعى لرفع الظلم عنه وما أكثر النكبات والنكسات التي تعرض لها شعب المنطقتين وما زالت تداعياتها قائمة حتى اليوم ، انها قضية عادلة لذلك نرى البعض يتآمر ويسعى للنيل من عدالتها وتصفيتها.
كانت قرارات مجلس التحرير الإقليمي (جبال النوبة) واضحة جدا عندما جمدت العملية التفاوضية برمتها مع نظام الخرطوم وسحب ملف التفاوض من الأمين العام المكلف بعد سحب الثقة عنه بالإجماع من قبل مجلس التحرير (جبال النوبة) ، إلآ أن مالك عقار وياسر عرمان رفضا هذه القرارات ويعتزمان الآن رغم أنف الجميع المضي قُدما في مفاوضاتهما العبثية مع الخرطوم لأن ليس لهما في واقع الأمر ما يخسرا حتى لو استمرت هذه الحرب مائة عام.
وإزاء رفض عقار وياسر لقرارات مجلس التحرير الإقليمي -جبال النوبة ، من المنتظر أن يبلغ مجلس تحرير إقليم جبال النوبة، الأحد 9/4/2017، الوساطة الأفريقية رفيعية المستوي برئاسة ثامبو امبيكي ودول الترويكا، بتعليق المفاوضات وسحب ملفات التفاوض عن فريقها السابق برئاسة ياسر عرمان.
ان ما يخطط له عرمان ومالك عقار من خلال اصرارهما على المضي في مفاوضات لا أفق لها ، يجب ان نواجهه بكل رصانة وحكمة ومسؤولية ، انه مشروع شيطاني آثم يستهدف اولا وقبل كل شيء قضية المنطقتين التي يراد تصفيتها بشكل كلي.
المفاوضات لها أسسها وقواعدها أولاها أن لها مرجعية، وثانيتها أن مواقف الطرفين القصوى واضحة حتى يتم التفاوض عليها وبالتالي الوصول إلى نقاط اتفاق تجعل الحل ممكناً ، لكن في حالة الحركة الشعبية ، كانت الأولى غائبة، فليس هناك من مرجعية حقيقية يستند عليها الوفد المفاوض ، بينما المواقف ليست إلإ موقفاً واحداً وهو (الحل الشامل) الذي يعلن عنه ياسر سعيد عرمان كل مرة على حساب معاناة أهالي “المنطقتين” ..وعليه كان لزاما على مجلس التحرير الإقليمي (جبال النوبة) أن يضطلع بمسؤولياته التأريخية ويوقف هذه العبث والإستهبال بسحب ملف التفاوض من عرمان.
كان ياسر عرمان يستقل قطار المفاوضات ولست سنوات إلى أغراضه في الابتلاع والقضم وخلق الوقائع حسب مزاجه وهواه ..المفاوضات التي لا أفق لها ليست مفاوضات، وتصبح خطراً حينما يجعلها أحد الأطراف مركباً إلى مآربه. وحتى يلبس مجلس التحرير الإقليمي مفاوضه القادم ملابس القوة أصدر قرار سحب ملف التفاوض من عرمان.
لن يتمكن احد من تصفية قضية شعب “المنطقتين” لانها قضية شعب يعشق الحرية والعدالة ، لن يتمكن احد من شطب والغاء وجود هذا الشعب ، مواطنو المنطقتين اليوم مطالبون بأن يكونوا اكثر ووعيا لكي يتمكنوا من النهوض بقضيتهم التي هي قضية عادلة ومقدسة.
تاجروا ولسِت سنوات بالكمال والتمام بكل شيء لتمرير المفاوضات وتحت مسميات عدة: لقاءات، لقاءات استكشافية، مفاوضات غير مباشرة، مفاوضات تقريبية، مفاوضات عبر وسيط ثالث وغيرها من المسميات ، لكن هذه الأيام قد ولت وللأبد ، ولن يكن من عبثوا بهذه المفاوضات جزءاً من أي عملية تفاوضية مستقبلية.
هناك أكثر من حزب وتنظيم مسجل في الخرطوم بإسم “الحركة الشعبية” ، كحزب تابيتا بطرس ، دانيال كودي ، عبدالباقي قرفة ، محمد حماد ، عرديب ، ..الخ، جميعهم يعملون جنبا إلى جنب مع حزب المؤتمر الوطني ..فلماذا لا يترك مالك عقار وصاحبه ياسر عرمان الحركة الشعبية التي تقاتل في المنطقتين اليوم ويؤسسا حزبا لهما بإسمها في الخرطوم من أجل الوظيفة والمنصب لأن ثورة شعب المنطقتين لا تبحث عن مناصب ووظائف؟.
إن الأولوية الآن يجب ان تكون لترتيب الأوضاع الداخلية للحركة الشعبية وليس للمفاوضات مع عصابة الخرطوم ، ولابد من وجود رؤية واستراتيجية وأهداف واضحة لأي مفاوضات قادمة.
أنه من الضروري أن تتم صياغة استراتيجية عمل عن قرب ، والانفتاح على كل الطاقات من أجل تطوير هياكل الحركة الشعبية التنظيمية والإدارية.
تعليق واحد
We People, We Are Asked To Be Careful; Once Again, It Is The High Time, To Immediately Stop This Mocking At People’s Aspirations Games Of (Yasser, Malik and some of may be Less Than A Hand Fingers’ Counted Officers! Yes, sure it is, so their negative effects on majority in the two regions will diminish during the shorter course of time to come. Also, unless we all join hands to have clear framework for letting the trust-building among us as societies and within the range of our internal and external supporters, then all what is done will be at risk of repulsing played games on the two regions. Extending the success to touch the heart and acceptance of all or of the vast majority never comes without admitting the cycle of reconciliations and strong unity among all. Well done job to be continued, so others in sympathies and on good will, so that can come on effect to recognize and support the action, once sincerity and commitment to restructure and move ahead to rebuild these societies and answer their own aspirations are there sustained. Automatically others mouths will muffle their own useless shouting on these achievements. The world doesn’t neglect these two regions, being the stakeholders in all the peace negotiations processes in the past since 2002, 2005, or the current dead one which will mostly take a different scaling and shaping to continue. So, we are the ones to comfort the world that we are doing things right and following the right channels of people’s democracy lines of expressing themselves and answering their true demands on questionable queues, to be correctly get the perfect answers as well. Millions times congratulations and go we shall confidently go ahead, in the same time, all must be so vigilant for what Khartoum ruling system mentality is all about terrorist and fueling all types of the war against humanity and the genocide war tempering the two regions at any times, when it feels that things are not moving to its unjust habitual likings. The status of alert, but keeping promises of such SPLM/A – N unilateral halt and cessation of hostilities as it is now, on one side implementation is could be so important and wise act to achieve many things at a go, for the people of the two regions and beyond that geographical war ravaging zone. All what we will wish is that the Whole World Institutions will respect and advisor ably honor the people’s will in these well know long standing suffering regions and that no any kind of top down imposed relative decisions to let the two regions Liberation Councils decline or go for enforced embarrassing compensations against the taken up correct decisions at all as this will remain as believed in hopes to let all go for what they like to do, with respect to others too.
While writing on the news which came up to state possible actions of utilizing their propagating materials continuity and reading from other media pages, one has come across other retold stories. This time the storming published article by the Gen. Telephone Kuku Abu Jalha, on the Sudanese-Online Webpage, was so touching, which we should not take as personal revenge act, but as the lessons learned, due to the reality of the Nuba Mountains Region’s Struggle’s History. Let all take that as Healthy Constructive Criticizing Phenomenon in Exposing Hidden Injuries in that open air, not for more harming, but for more be aware of our own affairs indeed. He did not as one sees it here babbled in reactive manner actually, despite that he avoided the objectivity in his so much rebuking, judging and insulting Alhillo, which could turn to be looked at personal reflected injury rather than the advisory roles expected to be offered to the RLC, yet speaking out in these circumstances is far better than keeping things in the paining heart. Also, as he just as he has been deeply hurt by some injustice practices for long period of time as he stated it, from that retold findings giving his own readings. What credibility is that to recognize from such character if things are not exposed for the coming generations to let lessons from them and before hands those precious given predictions, even if they came as late stories telling on what is really the future that might be faced by the two regions in accordance to the Two Regions’ Protocols as they came and read in CPA 2005: (Articles a.20 and so on, showing them from his own point of view as the plans which went awry. Expressing some details with the grievances he had undergone long time ago and what advices those were offered to his colleague in the field command ship; (Lt. Gen. Abulaziz Adam Alhillo), as he stated them without caring about those documented realities from one side hearing. Stressing on one time adopted Communism Methodology in the early stage of the Liberation Struggle, it should be noted absolutely that, also the bare fact these still back warded societies in the two regions, economically as one day known to be Subsistence Economy Societies and may be still the same nature is dominating over there. So, they are culturally and on heritage background, meaning (the two regions societies will never one day conceive what is called that kind of Extreme Leftist Ideologies, and on top of which Communism is the theme the ongoing call for the New Sudan Version Dreams calling, due to simple reasons). During early stage of the Field Marshal the former President, Jafar Mohammed Alnimiri; the introduction of wide range of the Cooperative Societies medium and long term macro-projects in the regions had failed completely, because the concept behind communality of running whether individual or group shared as common interest projects could not work to have amalgamation of socio-economic impact at all. So the failure was related to what the ideological phasing out conceptualities which were there to be used as model of administering those kinds of income generating project. Today and based on our turmoil, being the struggle to peacefully recover things on the shoulders of the committed fields people and the outstanding decisions, against the so two rigid and dictating habitual wrong leaders, we need everyone of these outspoken military general and state’s men together (whether Lt. Gen. Abdul Aziz Alhillo, who has been designated, preliminary given the negotiations files for the two regions, is the quality personnel to trust him, but with strong assigned and the delegated qualified, dedicated and experienced cadre on so many fields of the development history of the two regions, pertaining to what had happened since and before 1956. Gen. Telephone Kuku, (the historical fields’ of struggle commander and who has been on long silence and who is still asked to be so patient, at least feel relieved into some extend, by what the two regions LCs could do up to this time, for the future is so for all inclusively, as the writer here thinks about it and also predicts about it here). Gen. Khamis Jalab; (although, this former Governor of the Nuba Mountains Region/Southern Kordofan State and the Resigned National Ex-State Minister for the Livestock Wealth, one day he could have represented SPLMA in the region, he is moving as if alone, with no enough backed consultations mechanisms and he not patient as seen now at all. For this reason, better all should consider this transformation period and instead of usually he and may be his group want to jump over other useful efforts, perhaps giving some potential elements of gaps, to come up with his personal or his group’s intention to perhaps show off while things are mitigated as better ways of reaching our goal. If he/groups under these circumstance, which one thinks that should not be, if they insist to go for peace negotiations as participating groups then Khartoum maneuvering regime will be the happiest to mangle up things for all, which may be even worse for him first and the two regions in the outcome impact, more than his previous leading roles and the governing times, if he is not careful or doesn’t want either to listen to some advises). Gen. Daniel Kodi), (the former Deputy Governor for the Nuba Mountains Region, Southern Kordofan State and the rotated Ex-National State Minister for Livestock Wealth in the replacement of Gen, Jallab, despite that his personal health situation was suspected to be unfit for any future role, but which is now as observed in better situation. Many would believe that he and his group were badly used for divide and rule gaps creation policies by the National Congress Party, as what the Sudan National Security and the Military Intelligence control were over them. Yet, his voice for reconciliation and reuniting people as what the two Regions’ Liberation Councils will oversee that, will be vitally important and that can be of useful element to push ahead the efforts , not to spoil them for the sake of farther collective success of the two regions generations to decide on their fate. Of course it is indeed equally the expected roles of all other un-mentioned lower rankers are pivotal to recognize all these dynamic blood for development as well and seriously, or say other law rankers’ fortunes. The former Region’s Deputy Assembly Speaker; Captain, Saddig Mansour Alnair, who looks like very hardliner to opposing the disposed SPLM/A – N leadership, in turn has his weakness of dictatorship mood, well known for his un-reconciled spirit, but still such hardliner ways have so negative and some positive things not to neglect them for future reuniting people. Quite recent defection of the former Kadugli County Commission and the Principal Commission of SPLM/A – Nuba Mountains Region, sometime before the war outbreak in the region; Said Hammad Kafi, who was neglected, for some un-reasonable suspicious due to the lust of power among some the system, by leaving his refugees status in Uganda, through well planned approaching manner, could be considered too for other usefulness of what togetherness that can be for all. All those top ranking and the lower ranking cadre are asked to join hands with their colleagues Generals on the Struggle Fields; as one united people in the two regions for brighter be together future. All are currently needed, to take part mutually, in the mission of forgiveness manner, to reconstruct the feature of the two regions; socially, economically, politically and culturally through having that rich diversified cultures. Perhaps, after proper settlement of the situation based on what the new negotiations rescheduled file, which has been correctly handed over to Alhillo, after that event. But, the two regions, national conventions may chose among them in future, to designate at least total 90% or more of them to higher national role, till the time of two regions’ people’s hopeful come for their decision on their self-determination destiny aspects, whether or not to be their based on certain conditions to be fully answered or otherwise. Now, the issue of Reconciliation and Reuniting all the cadre of the two regions, based on their grievances facts and forgiveness to start new page have become the major second step after that strong final sounding decisions of the two legislative Liberation Councils. Our best example here, to try get the most from it as the best conflict transformation, peace-building measures, will be the Republic of Rwanda Post Genocide decades experiences in these healing the wounds trends, to adopt, in solving our internal and person to person extremely taken as top misunderstanding and disagreements phenomena else more. Then the issue of anyone of them should be reviewed for unity and directing all our efforts for same objectives and one goal entirely. This will include as necessary tackling mechanisms to be formed by the two regions LCs, to address their mission to reach the Gen. Telephone Kuku Abu Jalha, to reach the Gen. Daniel Kodi Angelo, to reach the Gen. Ismael Khamis Jalab, to reach the Brig. Gen. Ali Bander and his group, to reach the Brig. Gen. Ramadan Hassan Nimir and his group, also not to forget reaching the Brig. Gen. Yasser Jaffar and so many lower ranks who are directly or indirectly in strong relation to the struggle track, yesterday, today and tomorrow. All of those and others could write critical articles and could expose their reforming plans and suggestions, including the, scholars, professional cadre, intellectuals and many other officers in equal footing of warnings and free and honest offered advises to that kind of dull and proud for nothing worth leaders. The accounts of which were not taken care of or even they were not put or considered into account in the right times by the Tripartite Leaders of say in reality by the Two Controlling Figures; within the SPLM/A – N previous leadership style of governing others as top down approaches always.
Hearing that some things are hidden in cooking pool, although the news obtained from the field of that hastily prepared as unwise action to convene that event shows that big failure was followed to occur by the elements of the expelled wrong leadership characters. If true, then within these days in one of the East African countries, the cooking pool moves in vain to abort this noble democratic revolution, without interfering here, into everybody’s rights to form celebrating bodies, organizations or whatsoever to be useful for the welfare of the needy people, but many questions are to be raised especially if ever and after the occasion of 25th March – 2017 there are still voices of rejections to come out against the people’s democratic decision. More confusion and using the name of the late Martyrdom; Yusuf Kuwa Mackie in Kampala – Kampala, the kind hosting country and city, which for them has been the last resort of cheating the SPLM/A – N popularity for the personal interests gains, what the two spelled out democratically wished to get it. Yes, every person or groups of people have the right to express themselves in memorial occasion for their lost beloved one, but differentiating such planned event, just to cover up what the recent, kept in calm pool of hidden internal conflicts fact, will not work at all as they liked them to be after 25th March-17 decided upon resolutions. Trickling things on contrast out of their main channels would mean confusing the sincere leaderships, whoever can decide amicable to assist in solving the long pending case of the two regions and even of that what people sometimes call it unwisely, the comprehensive solution of Sudan problem from one cultural outlook side. Enthusiastically, the two wrong controlling corruptions spheres, (Lt. Gen. Yasser Saeed Arman; the former SPLM/A – N General Secretary according to the final Nuba Mountains Region’s Liberation Council Decisions and Lt. Gen. Malik Agar; the former SPLM/A – N Chairman according to the final Blue Nile Region Liberation Council Decisions, both of which were concluded during March – April – 2017), are no longer with that power to do what they liked as in the past era. If really no typical opportunist, to simply lead him to fall apart and who is ever considered documentarily, as a failure leader/s would originally like to confess that he/she has been so. On contrary basis, he/she will stand desperately to resist the correct tracks of reforms, recoveries, grass roots democratic practices, which could successfully made them to be out of the cooking plots rooms as always as they have had been doing. Eventually, by the democratic decisions of mass majority in the two regions and quite sure, beyond these two brave and perfect action taking in the right time decisions things are going back gradually to their right tracks of good governance and the needed correct rule of law performance acts on the ground, which will need more efforts and adhered principles of doing things in the right manner.
Why Addis Ababa and Kampala specifically, to try hard brainwashing and to enforce reverse the final conclusive decisions in vain for their personal ambitious line, of keeping the peoples in the two regions and mostly in the whole Sudan backward and confused, while they have truly been happily and morally relieved at all??! Does arranging the memorial anniversary occasion of the late Honorable Yusuf Kuwa Mackie have any impact to let them regain doubtfully what they have had lost it forever?!! Or it is their usual trend of cheating and trying to blackmail the eminent African Leaders, especially the honest ones, just to support them as individuals, against the will of the vast popular majority of the people, especially in these two regions at all??! As it has been proven that Mr. Tambo Mbeki, has clearly been one side eye of blessing whatever Khartoum Government sees it and thinks it to let negotiations tracks go about it. Sure, he hasn’t at all been quite neutral and having the same peace mediation character of the former IGAD/Africa Head of Delegation on Sudan Peace Negotiation the Chairman Gen. Lazarus Sambayo at all, by declaring at this time, while internally things are greatly sorted out for new page, then he had done it wrongly to make the step even worse that when things were brought up to a halting point or at frozen peace talks all over. So this way he had directly or indirectly paved the way for potential internal gross confusion and suspect that something of conflict of interests have been there in a dirty politics game playing. Is it a new style of more tactics and strategizing the addicted moods of divide and rule policy, allowing the two failure personalities and their associated characters to spoil things, if they can do that. In trying to gain specific tribal line support against the will of the two regions as they wished it??! People and the supporters of SPLM/A – N everywhere, especially in the two deeply concerned regions as one reiterate saying it to be everywhere, internally and globally, this is the most crucial and important historically taken as turn on fair and recovery transitional period. All must and should by hard to stand behind these courageous and ever accurate and timely amicable resolutions and decisions taken, while the war monks, possibly or those who may think to take the line of losing games of being war lords to desperately try to support the wrong doers for the last 11 year times or even more, in relation to the struggle of these two regions since 1984.
All would also like to see extra decisions which can be relevant to prepare the soft and concrete evident ground for the coming National Conventions as it is expected to be convened in two consecutive different regional levels to reach the national level SPLM/A – N Convention, hopefully, on top of them are reconciliation and reuniting people in the two regions mechanisms. The story of the two men physically has passed the critical stage to a stage where they will find themselves obliged to step down and stop misleading the African Leaders, whom they had chance after the grass roots, People’s Revolutionary Regions’ Liberation Council Outcome decisively and entirely as no retreat about it, as documented more than two times confirmations on both legitimate decision makers have gone through and in grid manner of no set back at all. The updated wide range of the global societies of the regions support was another so sure ground factors of what that democratic reforming actions could come up with finally. On top of that was and till today and tomorrow up to the time of convening the National Conventions would be the firm position of halting and ceasing the peace mediated negotiations till further notice, despite what persuasion which at a sudden happened to let AUHIP Mediation Team Chairman to travel and meet the Sudanese Authority after meeting with the summoned SPLM/A – N delegation coming disastrously from the Nuba Mountains Region / Southern Kordofan Region to un-expectedly agree with the two standing against the will of the two regions disposed characters and call for resumption of the peace negotiations during the month of April – 2017. Through same vigilance, people are all over asked to refuse this kind of new developed black-mailing activities to sell out the revived case of the two regions, which the correct to be selected cadre to lead the negotiations. From here, it is to be known that bargaining this long standing case is now on the very high level of wrong borderers’ table at all, so diligent and fast refusal and putting an end towards to stop this tragedy is so essential and so urgent matter to deal with now, in support of the two regions’ RLCs. The disposed generals eventually, went on to look for any attractive means so as to go ahead with their suspected misuse of the gained resources from these two regions, mainly to buy their supporters of corruptions for more destruction and corruptions activities, day and night, whether all would like that or not, if they might get to any successful end of that notoriously well-known previous and the ongoing personal conflict of interests roles, with all that future complexities, not to make that easy for the reformers to recover them.