كمبالا : صوت الهامش
رفضت قيادات بالحركة الشعبية مرافقة القيادي بالحركة ياسر عرمان الي أديس أبابا ، لمقابلة الوساطة الافريقية برئاسة ثامبو امبيكي .
وقال القيادي بالحركة الفاضل سعيد سنهوري ل “صوت الهامش” ان الوساطة قدمت دعوة أمس الاول للحركة الشعبية لمقابلة الوسيط الافريقي والمبعوث الامريكي بشأن عملية السلام في المنطقتين .
وأضاف “سنهوري” ان هنالك إجتماع عقد بحضور “عرمان” وضم كل من اللواء عزت كوكو نائب رئيس هيئة الاركان ادارة، والعميد سليمان جبونة محمد حاكم اقليم جبال النوبة بالانابه والعميد التجاني التمه الامين العام للحزب بالاقليم ، حيث تم ابلاغ “عرمان” بانحيازهم لقرارات مجلس تحرير إقليم جبال النوبة .
وكان المجلس أصدر قرارات في 25 مارس قضت بسحب الثقة عن الامين العام للحركة ياسر سعيد عرمان وحل وفد التفاوض وتكوين وفد جديد فضلا عن سحب ملفات التفاوض والعلاقات الخارجية والتحالفات السياسية، بجانب تجميد العملية التفاوضية الي حين انعقاد المؤتمر القومي الاستثنائي.
هذا وقال “سنهوري” ان القيادات رهنت بحل المشاكل التنظيمية بحضور نائب رئيس الحركة عبدالعزيز ادم الحلو.
Yaser Saeed arman is politically dead, and whoever wants to follow him in same vacuum then he / she can. No other voice on top of the two Regions’ Liberation Councils, never ever at all.
The Notorious Yaasser Saeed Arman And Malik Agar Eer; the Destroyers Will Not At All Be Amenable; Theirs Are Typically the Hopeless Case; Insisting To Control Things While Great Shock And Fear Overcame Both of Them. In Usual Circumstances, When A Person Respects Himself/Herself, In Case Of Being Asked To Step Down From Any Assigned Post To Such Character And Because It Is Not His / Hers PhD Degree. Then Automatically The Order Has To Be Executed, But In These Two Persons’ Cases What Happened?!
There are just (19) days passed till now, since what I call them, the “Declarations of Kauda and Yabuss Extended Principles”, which have had been announced for the SPLM/A – N members, supporters and the Public, including the stakeholders and the interested International arena all together. Still the two desperate leaders on question of their lust of power and the leadership bad quality are surviving on masterminding very misleading agenda of let us do what we want, despite the decisions of the two Regions Revolution Councils, just because they are still gripping to keep the secrets of huge corruptions, being over shocked by the two consecutive final preliminary grass roots representatives decisions, all together, simply because it is very hard for them to admit the philosophy of democracy practices, since the vast enjoyments of others resources have had been their ultimate believe. How the two dictators could become at puzzling shock and wandering stage all over and around?!
Very danger, when it is smelled that Yasser Saeed Arman and the Chairman in disposal pool, have to go far and urge one of their affiliate generals in the Nuba Mountains Region, as the media (Nuba Times Website has mentioned the name of the rich (Gen. Jagout Mackwar), as who was said to have had issued warrant of arrest; as if he has been the court judiciary man. He personally intended in-vain to arrest and put this outstanding woman in his military custodian jail and got the brilliant lessons from the Public, while he was demoralized, not able to go ahead with doing that finally. But why all that desire and cover up against the Region’s Liberation Council Strong Deputy Chairwoman; Mrs. Naglaa’ Albdulwahid??! While the Chairman is taking rest for recovery due to those chains of their physical exhaustion of long meetings’ outcome, which had lasted for (19) continual days, to come up with that strong and final resolutions hitherto. Then why this SPLM/A – N Military Gen. is supporting his friends (Yasser Saeed Arman and Malik Agar Eer), just obediently like that to abort the majority’s decisions in the two regions??! And what did he exactly lose from these correct decisions??! Is it because in deceptions and concealment he is joining his friend Yasser for longtime ago in to touring mission around the world and enjoying laughing together in doing something different??! Although his warrant of arrest didn’t help him and in vain he couldn’t absolutely use his entrusted power to arrest she in person; as what the story could mention it. That was because the peoples in the supporters of the Region’s Liberation Council in field public automatically stood on her side and also the faithful command ship personnel there, have had consistently refused totally to allow the general go far to that very, very and very bad intention. Once again, the peoples’ high level of morality could be the highest awareness stage for their rights to defend and not letting and ever notorious point of obedience thinking of this man against his own people’s decisions at all to happen. Yes, the Hero Lady and the Heroes being the Nuba Mountains Region / Southern Kordofan Region’s People could stand boldly to defuse the false attempted action to intentionally abort what will come next as procedures and corrections decisions till the National or the Regional Convention will be held peacefully. The scared Gen. and his friends are in deep skepticism sight, never believed that such decisions would come from the people’s representatives and can be there as stiff as it could to challenge their destructive behavior and dictating manner of doing things for their own interests.
In the Country of the Greatest Lake and the Longest River in the World Uganda, it has been puffed that another serious failure attempts of presumably stolen name of the commanders on the field to forge, perhaps a statement of one of them approval to accompany this expelled General Secretary; Yasser Saeed Arman Ishag to the already warned and advised to be halted up mediated peace talks, until submitting the New Selections of the two War Ravage Areas to the AUHIP. The leader of confusion went far thinking that he still has the mandated power of the people in the two regions specifically and perhaps the whole country; which is the remained still Old Sudan, what a hell is that one?! That has been the plan of the two desperate men, leaders in dispute to approach through that clear cheating and convince the AUHIP and the rest of the Negotiated Peace Stakeholders that as if still they are and his is the only man in SPLM/A – N to do the job, but for his own interests, exactly as what honestly the former United States of America Special Envoy to Sudan and the South Sudan when he clearly pointed out such experienced behavior of self conflict of interests among this nasty leading group unfortunately in the previous times.
Till further notice from the two regions Liberation Councils, one thinks and strongly believes that this chaotic attitudes insistently from these two widely suspected leaders as proven mistakes and dictatorship standard applications, they are misleading the masses in the two regions in particular for some important to be noticed and investigated points as follows:
1. Still may be there is kind underground bargaining issues with the Government of Sudan in silence act, as that might be there in their hidden drawers, to suddenly let these victimized citizens just feel the negative consequences later on.
2. The act of possible changing the dynamics of personal management of the resources of the people in the two regions is another potentially games playing tactics, to divert everything in the hidden corners. This is in very tricky ways, not to be easily followed up or as not possible thing for all in trying later on to oversee discovering that as long as the time might take it, and as what they will continue in the near future to enjoy that alone, pretty guessing, out of that behavior since long time ago.
3. They are also meaning to “Confusing Specifically, the SPLM/A – N (Two Regions” Liberation Councils” preparations’’ activities and keep them busy anyway, in attempting to solve the masters of such created plotting. That is added to creating problems to block the two regions’ RLCs, until the time will be due to passing away without holding the SPLM/A –N National Convention, although fixing time limitation doesn’t mean in normal cases some circumstances, perhaps will not make any kind of postponements as far as the timing and proper arrangements are always needed. And then they (the two figures and plus), insistently, start to cook something else to claim in future that their sick desire to see the failure of the two regions’ liberation councils be continuing and this may allow them to impose the top down approaches, to dictate orders, to rule people as they will that and to misuse the available resources as they would prefer and decide on that as what they originally practice it.
4. From what recently written by the Advocate Khidir Abdeen one of the previous closed consultant to (Yasser Saeed Arman) about that proven bad nature of corruption. Added to what has also been written by the Resigned President of the SPLM/A – Islamic Platform (Mr. Mahmood Alhaj Musa, before his resignation, as he wrote that from one side; and as it is ever obviously noticed that this man (Yasser Saeed Arman Ishag), has been the ever worse seedling in the system, pertaining to the Nuba Mountains Region affairs, which could have penetrated later on in the two Regions scope of liberation politics. Allowing himself absolutely as he was backed indeed, to play that kind of cool pivotal killing others minds and avoiding their effective roles. And also by mistakes he could massively exploit the intention and may be the unconsciously offered good will of the leaders in that classic guided system. On top of those honest leaders may be he had targeted especially, what the late Yusuf Kuwa Makkie, could do for him, being the most humble leader, the most patient Nuba Mountains Region Origin’s leader, and the most significant human character, all through, within the Liberation Mission as he had done to (Yasser Saeed Arman Ishag) in particular.
5. Today, Over is over, and enough is enough and all that by now are the remained big questions to still put forth another decisive end amicably, towards what looks like these two leaders in questionable queue and their continued misleading campaign and to put the poisoning ashes on the eyes of the cadre and the people of these two regions. So, it is good that among the two top governing leaders in the Nuba Mountains Region, (Brg. Gen Suliman Jabona; the Acting Region’s Governor and the Brig. Gen. Altiganni Altimmathey; the Regions General Secretary) as they had boldly supported their people’s representatives decisions, when they could restrain and stack unto the decisions of their grass roots representatives, while the news saying that the failure man tried to persuade the Gen. Izat Kuku, who just kept quiet as usual and they tried to spoil his image in front of his people, since he has been one of the most calm, strong and the reliable generals to accompany, asking him to issue a statement of supporting the wrong leaders and perhaps to accompany them against the will of his people as well as the two regions are concerned. Using the yes, yes punitive saying child of politics; (Mubaarak Ardoul), this is clear that the attempts of blackmailing others, of possible threatening the lower ranking personnel of deciding to quit them from their position, as they had one to the Gen. Ismael Khamis Jalab wrongly. It was known that one of the presumably the great mistake of the Gen. I. Kk. Jalab as one has been told could be designating the (Gen. Jagout Kackwar not in correct military ordinance, may be), later on this Gen. was used by the SPLM/A – N leadership to try investigate him – his boss (Gen. Jalab) and finally cause the former governor of the region to be expelled from his ranking and the membership of SPLM/A – N mistakably as well proven. Going to another sad story of quitting and the expelling other (8) groups and others too, including the scholars, intellectuals and other lower military ranking personnel in the previous years. That how usually those two famous notorious system controllers used to administer and manage the organizational system of SPLM/A – N all through and how far their damaging acts for the future of such commanders. And equally that is the practices same habit against those in their good leadership style, saying this here if that retold story of attempting to arrest that so stiff and bold lady in here duty has ever been every correct and really had happened to admit it as what the media had reflected it as shame and awkward act from this ordered Gen. to do that in vain.
6. Sure, if people would follow the sense and the logic behind why the suspected seen as perpetrators here, can fight till the end of their days in controlling SPLM/A – N power, to at least minimize the overwhelmed pressures on them by all. But they are tirelessly trying to disqualify the correct collected materials for these decisions against them, so still his/her roles are hanged up to be the reality till the outcome of the truth. Then why the Gen. Jagout Makwar as the retold stories from the sources indicate to have tried to be like that, and which role was that in the replacement of every judiciary on action can have legal options and if correct, although nothing of that kind is consequently existing to prove it entirely against the face of the RLC’s Deputy Chairwoman according to the Gen. wrong attempt to block her duties and leading her to wrong destination, which couldn’t happen??! Any government in the good faith of democracy process and in the good mood of respecting the majority’s decisions in the world as the best leading figures in the globally as they have had been identified historically have given big lessons learning criteria to adopt them. Then it is usually of the people, from the people and to the people, and if so is the practice then what else if this politics mastering philosophy doesn’t match the senseless men here in the two regions and in this remained as “Old Sudan” as well ?! Being the sole dictators and the greatly suspected to be corruptors widely, like what is happening with them in these days as the (Lust of Power) addiction top personnel and within their that exaggerating hostile spirits of experienced disrespected administration quality of the two men; (Malik Agar Eer and Yasser Saeed Arman?!!
7. Once again and for us all, the greatest job has been achieved now professionally, but the mission of justice and recovery measures is still a hard stage and at work to ever go with all along. This is in need to be supported morally, to be secured completely and practically, to be guided professionally and be sustained peacefully. It is to be moving ahead as the ever right determined decisions to happen during those (11) years of struggle for justice after 2005 CPA, for the sake of those who have had been in long term exploitation measures, and victimizations acts unfortunately. That will hopefully be the extra efforts to be exerted so as to correct and fruitfully be adventurous for this noble mission, which is remaining to achieve it as overall set strategic recovery well done plans. Expecting the hormonal reconciliations and the vast unity and the people’s settlement and the development objectives to come true, on the light of all sooner or later as that reality is direly needed to conceive it all by all through that spirit. Nobody has ever wished them to be so rigid, so undermining the decisions of the people’s representatives and mocking manner and not sparing honest listening time to get what is correct from what is wrong at all. So, no options else other than to let them alone to chose what they liked it, by their won consent, if for them a hell of losing politics ground support is the matter to insist doing that. Then, the ground of reasonability and logic of doing things right, have ever been the course of all on the line of any collective adherence to them achieve that recovery, reconciliations and the unity to regain the status of what should be the future life aspects for the people of the these two so badly and in tragedy scaling affected regions.
8. Enhancing the effective roles of the two Regions’ Liberation Councils, the Lt. Gen. Abdul Aziz Adam Alhillo, since he has been rejected to resign and has been reinstated to the position added to the Negotiated Peace Process Files, then he immediately, needs to keep closed consultations contact, perhaps not to leave the members of the two Regions’ Liberation Councils to go astray, wandering for some time and whatever that intentionally created confusion of the spelled out leadership might further cause some kinds of back setting, although, nothing like that can or may happen. So the quality leadership must accept different types of the very tough, very harsh attacking and very hard, but sort of constructive and advisable criticisms from whoever is related to the job. Whoever, has been do commit himself, herself. Substantially, on the line with liking the improvement of the system is there going ahead. Above all, why the people of the two regions and perhaps around the Old Sudan, would like him to take action??! That are the clear indications that things must be recovered, the will of the people must be answered and all of all the peace, security and food security added to the human and the natural resources development must happen at length, in the nearby future and the long time run to come up for the sake of the generations all over.